I don't have an explanation.. Were you able to find anything?


> On Aug 30, 2016, at 2:35 PM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I’m encountering some weirdness when running EJBQLQuery. Consider the 
> following code:
>       EJBQLQuery q = new EJBQLQuery( "select i.unitPrice,i.quantity from 
> InvoiceLine i where i.companyNumber='0100008338'" );
>       List fetchedRows = objectContext.performQuery( q );
>       System.out.println( "Size of resulting list: " + fetchedRows.size() );
>       System.out.println( "Class of fetched objects: " + fetchedRows.get( 0 
> ).getClass() );
> This generates the following output:
>       - --- transaction started.
>       - SELECT t0.unit_price AS sc0, t0.quantity AS sc1 FROM bok_invoice_line 
> t0 WHERE t0.company = ? [bind: 1:'0100008338']
>       - === returned 508 rows. - took 72 ms.
>       - +++ transaction committed.
>       Size of resulting list: 200
>       Class of fetched objects: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
> As you can see, the SQL is correct, and the debug log shows that the DB 
> returns the expected number of 508 objects. However, the resulting List will 
> only contain 200 objects. This number will then go on to change in weird ways 
> if I modify the query, for example if I add a third attribute to fetch, the 
> List will suddenly contain 204 objects—and that number may change based on 
> which attribute I added. Quite odd, and I’ve not been able to identify any 
> rule to how it happens.
> Now, for the second level of weirdness: If I change the query to fetch data 
> rows (by invoking setFetchingDataRows( true )), the list will end up 
> containing the correct number of rows. But they will still be Object[] but 
> not DataRows.
>       - --- transaction started.
>       - SELECT t0.unit_price AS sc0, t0.quantity AS sc1 FROM bok_invoice_line 
> t0 WHERE t0.company = ? [bind: 1:'0100008338']
>       - === returned 508 rows. - took 64 ms.
>       - +++ transaction committed.
>       Size of resulting list: 508
>       Class of fetched objects: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
> Any idea what’s happening? Thought I’d ask before I start digging around.
> Cheers,
> - hugi

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