Looks like you have quite a lot of experience with obfuscation :)

> Semi-related question: does the client need to include the model xml in its 
> jar, or does only the server need the xml since only the server actually 
> talks to the DB?

Only server needs the XML. Client needs parts of the model to operate, but it 
obtains it over the wire from the server.


> On Jun 6, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Adam Boyle <abo...@valsphere.com> wrote:
> More than likely we want to obfuscate both client and server. Our current 
> thinking is to use concepts in the Modeler jar file to load the XML, perform 
> the renames (via the event structure you have in there), save a separate 
> model xml file, then figure out how to incorporate it into our project all as 
> part of specific build goals when we want to build a production set of 
> artifacts. Once the obfuscated xml is generated we should be able to remap 
> references to the DAOs using existing tools such as those used as part of the 
> process to decompile/deobfuscate the Minecraft jar file using the Forge Mod 
> Development Kit, something that we have some experience with.
> If we come up with a working solution, we may be able to incorporate it into 
> the existing cayenne maven plugin or make a new plugin with just that 
> purpose, so we'll let you know what we come up with, although it may only be 
> a subset of a full obfuscation solution as there are some object types we 
> aren't using such as Embeddables and Queries (so far).
> Semi-related question: does the client need to include the model xml in its 
> jar, or does only the server need the xml since only the server actually 
> talks to the DB?
> -Adam
> ________________________________
> From: Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 6, 2016 9:16:28 AM
> To: user@cayenne.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Code obfuscation and the model
> I don't have any real life examples, but maybe we can brainstorm something.
> Are you obfuscating just the client, or the server as well?
> Andrus
>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:15 PM, Adam Boyle <abo...@valsphere.com> wrote:
>> Have any of you ever had to tackle the problem of obfuscating a project that 
>> uses Cayenne? I'm looking to find a way to be able to obfuscate a Cayenne 
>> ROP project and I'm hoping that we're not the first to attempt this.
>> Our thinking is that we would write a utility/maven plugin to obfuscate the 
>> project XML, generate the classes/DB, use a custom remapping utility to fix 
>> up any code references, then use Proguard/whatever to obfuscate the 
>> remaining code.
>> Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!
>> -Adam

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