Is it as simple as setting a pre-persist and post-load hook and only 
implementing them on the server?

From: Adam Boyle <>
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 10:48 AM
Subject: ROP: perform action server-side before commit/fetch

Is there a way to add a server-side hook in an ROP setup that allows you to 
perform an action before a record is committed or before it is fetched to alter 
a flag on the record before it is sent to the client?

Here is my use-case: I have records that need to be electronically signed. My 
implementation of the signing process involves calculating a hash of a record's 
data (and the data of important foreign records) and attaching that hash to the 
signature record. On fetch a signed record would then validate its signature 
record's hash to ensure no data has changed since it was signed. Currently this 
is all done on the client side before committing to the server or after 
fetching. In reality this is bad practice as it gives the client the power to 
decide how the signature is generated and validated. I would like to have the 
hashing and validation code on the server to take that power away from the 

My hope is that I can put a pre-commit hook on the server objects that checks 
for a link to a Signature object and performs the hashing and storage of the 
hash. Upon fetch I would like the server-side to validate the hash and set a 
flag on the Signature object that is then sent to the client.

Does this sound feasible?



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