It doesn't work out if the box because Android is not a complete java implementation. The next version of Android will be though.
It's possible to get it mostly working now but takes some effort. On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 6:48 AM Simon Farner <> wrote: > Hello everybody > > I built a working ORM setup on my server application. I now would like > to clone the project into our Android application, switching the back > end to sqlite. We aim to support phones starting from JellyBean 4.0. > > The gradle project builds without failure, but when I try to create > objects from a ObjectContext the app just crashes silently. No > exceptions I tried using derby as backend to rule out trouble with the > sqlite setup in Android, but this crashes too. I start to suspect that > Cayenne simply does not work with JellyBean, does it? I would love to > provide some more detail but somehow the Android Studio does not > provide any information on what failed. > > Is there anyone who got Cayenne 4.0.3M working on Android 4.0? Or is it > known to cause trouble? > > Greetings and thank you for helping > Simon >