On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hugi, it would be worthwhile to make this a customizable parameter in
> the existing primary key generator rather than only creating your own
> custom version.  I also haven't looked at that part of the code base
> in a long while so I don't know how feasible this is.

I'm talking about whether to store the next value or the last value.
It wasn't obvious in my first reply.

> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> 
> wrote:
>>> Cayenne and EOF use a similar method, i.e. a table for the primary keys, 
>>> but there's an implementation difference -- EOF stores the *last* primary 
>>> key value provided while Cayenne stores the *next* value to be used. This 
>>> means they can't share a single table (by using a view for the naming 
>>> differences).
>>> Anyone have any brilliant ideas or workarounds for this? (before I start 
>>> messing around with triggers or other messy workarounds).
>> Cayenne has PkGenerator interface that can be customized/reimplemented:
>> http://cayenne.apache.org/docs/4.0/api/org/apache/cayenne/dba/PkGenerator.html
>> Unfortunately it is not directly injectable via DI (this is a TODO), so 
>> initializing it will require a bit of indirection. E.g. you may subclass of 
>> decorate DbAdapterFactory. Here is a decoration example:
>> new ServerRuntimeBuilder()
>>    .addModule(binder -> binder
>>         .decorate(DbAdapterFactory.class)
>>         .after(MyDbAdapterFactory.class)).build();
>> public class MyDbAdapterFactory implements DbAdapterFactory {
>>    private DbAdapterFactory delegate;
>>    public MyDbAdapterFactory(@Inject DbAdapterFactory delegate) {
>>       this.delegate  = delegate;
>>    }
>>    @Override
>>    public DbAdapter createAdapter(DataNodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor, 
>> DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
>>       DbAdapter a = deletegate.createAdapter(nodeDescriptor, dataSource);
>>       return .. // here decorate "a" to return a custom PkGenerator.
>>    }
>> }
>>> On the subject of PK generation, there's one thing I really like in EOF; if 
>>> the PK table is missing a row for a table, EOF will automatically select 
>>> the max() value of the table's PK column and use it to populate the table. 
>>> Quite useful. Any objections to this becoming a feature in Cayenne as well? 
>>> (via pull request)
>> I am all +1 on this. I'd say PK generation has been neglected for some time, 
>> so we should freshen it up, including auto-bootstrap that you mentioned, and 
>> DI integration, maybe smarter categorization by generator strategy, etc.
>> One of the reasons I personally haven't payed much attention to this lately, 
>> is cause I am using DB autoincrement (something not supported by EOF) and 
>> never had to worry about PK lookup tables, sequences, etc. :)
>> Andrus
>>> On May 22, 2015, at 1:33 PM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> I'm using EOF and Cayenne to talk to the same MySQL database. Works fine 
>>> apart from one problem: Primary key generation.

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