Thank you Alex. Your reply got me going on the right track and I've
been able to make the changes to log4j2 to take back control of the
Cayenne logging once again.
I don't use Maven so for the record I added the two jar files you
pointed out below to my project, added the Logger settings you also
detailed below and "like magic"
, it all came together.
On 05/11/2015 10:43 AM, Alex Kolonitsky wrote:
Cayenne uses apache commons logging as logging interface and if you want to use
log4j2 implementation you must include dependency to log4j-core and log4j-jcl
and create log4j2.xml in classpath. For instance lines below turn off logging
for me:
<Logger name="org.apache.cayenne" level="off">
<AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
On May 11, 2015, at 5:24 PM, Aristedes Maniatis <> wrote:
On 11/05/2015 11:51pm, Andrew Willerding wrote:
For my new project with the log4j2 libraries, I have created a
file with the appropriate settings but the cayenne logging is still in INFO
mode. And I'm not sure where to place the file so it can be
found by Cayenne.
log4j version 2 uses an xml configuration file, not a properties file. Also,
because Cayenne is hooked into the old log4j version 1 library, you'll need the
compatibility library for log4jv2 that let's it accept the old API.
Aristedes Maniatis
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