I guess the answer depends on what "easily" means. So a few questions to 
clarify the scenario:

When you start an app, do you already know whether it will read from regular or 
archive tables? If not, what event triggers the switch in the running app? Is 
this for all sessions or just specific users?


> On Dec 19, 2014, at 10:08 AM, Markus Reich <markus.re...@markusreich.at> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some hints for a very special issue :-)
> We have archived old entries of our tables to shadow tables, which have
> exactly the same columns structure as the source table.
> No we need to have a possibility to switch easily between real and
> shadowtable.
> Maybe someone already is/was facing such a constellation?
> thx
> Meex

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