Hi everyone! I am glad to report on 3.1 release going final today. It is available for an immediate download from our site [1] and Maven central [2]. This was awesome work by our international team of developers and users. There's a more formal press release available from the ASF [3], but here we all know what Cayenne is and why we like it :) So I will just say a few words about 3.1...
It is a result of ~2.5 years of active development and ~1.5 years of "ripening" as beta and RC. Some Jira stats to show the effort: 125 new features, 84 bugfixes. The main highlight is Cayenne dependency injection (DI). It might be the smallest full-featured DI container in the industry and it completely changes how you bootstrap and configure Cayenne. Having to rewrite parts of Cayenne stack to fit the DI model resulted in the overall improvement of the design quality. Everything (or almost everything) is now pluggable. A big new feature is modularity of Cayenne object-relational mapping. Different aspects of the system can be modeled in separate mapping projects, and combined in runtime as needed. So Cayenne projects can now be packaged as individual "libraries". Persistent events model was extended from simple per-object events to more high-level "workflows". Those can be configured with app-specific annotations on persistent classes. Cayenne ships with "cayenne-lifecycle" module that provides a few common examples of such workflows activated on data changes: data modifications audit, precision cache invalidation, etc. We've rewritten the documentation from scratch, much improving both content and the presentation of the docs. For the first time the full documentation set is available in PDF. We've made a number of important performance optimizations, improving overall concurrency. And fixed lots of bugs throughout the framework the Jira stats above attest. Enjoy the new Cayenne and spread the word of 3.1 via Facebook, Twitter, blogs etc. ! Andrus [1] http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html [2] http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|org.apache.cayenne|cayenne-server|3.1|jar [3] https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_software_foundation_announces63 --------------- Andrus Adamchik Apache Cayenne ORM: http://cayenne.apache.org/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/ApacheCayenne