I am doing today my usual updated maven depencies for our future product
release, so I am migrating my 3.1 code to the new 3.2 generics style and
I missed that all the generics code uses just T as "T extends Object"
and not "T extends DataObject" (or maybe another superinterface wich
makes sense) it is not a serious issue but it can help avoiding runtime
errors if you miss the correct class name.
Also I miss a generics typed version of objectForQuery I did it for
myself so maybe you can include it in the next version:
// Must add context as parameter
protected <U extends DataObject, T extends Select<U>> U
objectForQuery (T query) {
List<U> objects = getThreadDataContext().select(query);
if (objects.size() == 0) {
return null;
} else if (objects.size() > 1) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Expected zero or one
object, instead query matched: " + objects.size());
return objects.get(0);
I will tell you if I find something worth noting.
Best regards.
Ramiro Aparicio