On 23/07/13 5:57pm, Malcolm Edgar wrote:
The quality of Cayenne is extremely high, so I am not concerned about the
label we give the release, but I want understand peoples experience with
3.1, is it ready for prime time?

I've been using 3.1 in production ever since 3.1M1. We are just now thinking 
about getting 3.2M1 into our development so that we move it into production in 
the next three months. This is for six web applications and one ROP Swing 
application used by about 300 internal people in total across multiple 
organisations (plus taking 250,000 enrolments per year from the general public).

We've had a small number of issues in Cayenne, but almost always us bumping up 
against features we'd like to have rather than bugs.


Aristedes Maniatis
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