I'd love to learn more about caching too.  Great info and questions -
looking forward to the response.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Aristedes Maniatis <a...@ish.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Andrus
> I know you have been looking at this offline, but I thought I'd raise this
> here in public to see if others can also help shed light on a difficult
> area to completely understand in Cayenne. Perhaps this conversation can
> also help us improve the docs. I'd like to better understand the
> interactions between the DataRowStore and the ObjectStore.
> Here is how I understand the Cayenne object cache:
> 1. There is a checkbox in the modeler at the top level for "use shared
> cache". If that checkbox is ticked, then a single DataRowStore (a LRU map)
> is created, shared between all contexts. If not, a separate DataRowStore is
> created every time you create a new context.
> 2. Each context has its own ObjectStore for keeping the actual objects
> (the snapshot), and another copy of the object with any changes made in
> that context. Any queries to the database fill the DataRowStore first, and
> then the objects are constructed in to the ObjectStore.
> 3. When a commit is made to Context A, the ObjectStore linked to context A
> has a bunch of changes in it. Those changes are pushed into the
> DataRowStore, and then into the database. Events are are sent to update the
> snapshot copy of objects held in all other ObjectStores.
> 4. These events can even be sent to another Java VM, but we'll ignore that
> for now.
> 5. The modeler has a field called "Size of object cache". This refers to
> the size of the DataRowStore map as a count of objects. Because the rows
> could be 1kB or 1Mb each, it is impossible to predict how large this cache
> will grow to, but it will get bigger and smaller over time.
> 6. If "use shared cache" is NOT ticked, then this size is used for *each*
> of the DataRowStore maps. This means that the memory usage will grow very
> rapidly as you add new contexts and fill them with data. 100 contexts, each
> loaded with a query that fetches the same 10Mb of data, will contain 1000Mb
> of DataRowStore memory usage.
> 6. If a DataRow is not held in the DataRowStore (eg, because it was pushed
> out of the map by newer data) then an event is NOT sent to the other
> contexts to notify them that the object was updated when context A is
> committed. Instead stale data is left in those other contexts.
> 7. Assuming the query cache is disabled, a query against the database will
> fetch brand new objects into the DataRowStore and potentially update all
> the snapshots of all ObjectStores which contain a copy of those records.
> 8. A relationship join (painting.getArtist()) might find a record in the
> DataRowStore and pull it into the ObjectStore without ever going back to
> the database.
> 9. If the query cache is hit, then the results may already be found in the
> DataRowStore. If so, the the ObjectStore snapshot is updated from these
> DataRows if any of those objects are not already found in the ObjectStore.
> So, my questions:
> A. What is the use case of separate DataRowStores per context? It appears
> to be a worse possible scenario in every case I can think of, with no
> upside. The label "use shared cache" gives the impression that you are
> trading memory usage for staleness of data, but that does not appear to be
> the case.
> B. Is it an intrinsic feature of this system that a cache miss in the
> DataRowStore causes no event to be sent to other ObjectStores, or is that a
> bug? This means that setting the 'size of object cache' in the modeler to 0
> results in a lot of stale data.
> C. Will a cache miss in the DataRowStore cause Cayenne to refetch that
> object from the database before it then tries to commit the changes to that
> object.
> Have I captured the above notes correctly?
> Cheers
> Ari
> --
> -------------------------->
> Aristedes Maniatis
> ish
> http://www.ish.com.au
> Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
> phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

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