Hi Andrus

> The goal of CayenneModeler is not abstract modeling, but rather to create a 
> binding between DB and Java. So I don't quite understand how it is useful for 
> you if you are not writing a Cayenne application?

As we stopped some years ago developing with WebObjects, we continue(d) to use 
the EOModeler (Entity Modeler, WOLips). As it is a nice ER Modelling tool and 
works well. But now there is no or not much activity any more on the WOLips 
side, I have the impression (although not sure). But anyway, We have to get a 
diagram for discussions and therefor we still have an OS X 10.4 machine with 
EOModeler installed, to be able to import the WOLips .eomodeld file an print a 
diagram (more make a PDF an they print a big size diagram, as there are 
typically more than 100 entities). But all this is not a good work flow and we 
have to get a replacement. And as Cayenne Modeler can import .eomodeld files, 
it's an obvious tool to look at.

In short, we are interested in Cayenne Modeler as a standalone tool for our 
database design modeling needs and to generate code (for SAP Sybase SQL 
Anyhwere databases or PostgreSQL databases)

Best regards, Robert

> I'll be happy to answer the specific questions, but I am not quite sure I 
> follow your scenario.
> Thanks,
> Andrus
> On Apr 9, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Robert Huber @ 7r <roberthu...@sunrise.ch> wrote:
>> Hello Andrus
>> Thanks a lot for the new release 3B2 which was the reason to try Cayenne 
>> Modeler again.
>> We currently use EOModeler for all of our modelling tasks. Having tried 
>> Cayenne Modeler only a little bit several times, I started seriously again 
>> with this build and your getting started guide an built the Artist - Gallery 
>> project to see if Cayenne Modeler could now be a successor for EOModeler.
>> But I assume I have some general understanding problems.
>> I would very much appreciate if you could demystify some of them. Thank you 
>> a lot for your answers or hints in advance.
>> Task
>> – In EOModeler, the task is to model an ER-Model. For example, I create an 
>> entity, add attributes and relationships between entities. I then can add 
>> column names and other implementation details as column width, type, … So I 
>> make in one place the ER-Model and the mapping to the relational model.
>> – In Cayenne Modeler, it seems, one has to start with the implementation 
>> side, i. e. the relational model side, and then somehow create the ER-Model? 
>> So one is not exactly starting with modeling, but wit the implementation?
>> Some Observations/Questions
>> → Is this the intended procedure? Why doesn't it start on the modelling 
>> side, i. e. the defining of entities (classes) with their attributes etc.? 
>> And then allowing to map it to the relational model.
>> → The splitting between the tables and classes seems quite complicate to me, 
>> especially with the create ObjEntity and syncing between the two «models». 
>> May be there is a reason for this separation and syncing which I don't 
>> recognize?
>> → When creating an ObjEntity from an DBEntity (table), the name of the 
>> ObjEntity is in plural, whereas a common naming is singular for the entity, 
>> e. g. Artist (as it is a set), and plural for the table, e. g. artists. 
>> Unfortunatly (for me), the ObjEntity is also plural. I found it can be 
>> overridden, but if one presses the green C button again, an new ObjEntity in 
>> plural is created beside the existing in singular.
>> → The primary key attributes are not displayed in the ObjEntity. Why not? It 
>> is displayed in the 
>> → The column name exists in ObjEntity as DbAttribute, and in the DbEntity 
>> (table) as column name, i. e. it is in two places, but can only be edited in 
>> the DbEntity, not in the ObjEntity
>> → Naming in Cayenne Modeler its very strange for me, as many things seem 
>> mixed. For the ERM side (P.P.S. Cheng) I would have expected terms like 
>> entity, attribute, relationship, sub type, super type, … and for the 
>> relational model (F. Codd) I would have expected terms like table 
>> (relation), column, domain, … 
>> → If I organize the ER Diagram and Class graphs as I like, it is set to some 
>> default (even depending on the window size) after reopening the project. If 
>> I organize the ER Diagram, it should absolutely keep it's layout. I think 
>> this is a necessity for larger models.
>> → I miss the ability to place some sort of text box in the ER Diagram and to 
>> give a self defined color to the entity (class) or table.
>> → I did not find EOPrototypes, a great concept for applying DB types for 
>> quickly porting a model to a new database. I really have problems if this is 
>> not available.
>> As I would primarily use the Cayenne Modeler (as we work with Servoy, we 
>> will not use the Cayenne Framework), I am at the moment not comfortable to 
>> make the switch from EOModeler to Cayenne Modeler. I am very much aware that 
>> making such a tool is a lot of work and appreciate it in every way. So the 
>> above points are not meant as a critic but a way to find out if Cayenne 
>> Modeler could be a successor tool for us. I am also a bit unsure for what 
>> tasks exactly Cayenne Modeler is really meant?
>> Thanks and best regards, Robert
>> _/ _/ _/ _/ _/                             r. huber
>>             _/
>>          _/      _/      _/           7r gmbh
>>       _/      _/  _/               alpenstrasse 93
>>    _/      _//                   ch-8200 schaffhausen
>> _/      _/
>> _/      _/                    tel. +41 52 624 81 15   www.seven-r.ch
>> On 12.06.2012, at 13:17, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>> Very happy to announce Cayenne 3.1 beta! The full announcement can be found 
>>> here:
>>> http://cayenne.apache.org/2012/06/12/cayenne-31-beta-released.html
>>> Download is here of course:
>>> http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html
>>> A note on 3.1 documentation. The new PDF guides shipped with the download 
>>> document all the new features, and some of the old ones. However they are 
>>> still work in progress. I suggest still checking the PDFs, as they are the 
>>> only source of information on the DI, configuration properties and the new 
>>> way to start Cayenne runtime, but go back to 3.0 HTML docs whenever you 
>>> find a gaping hole in the PDF:
>>> http://cayenne.apache.org/doc30/overview.html
>>> We should finish the docs by the time 3.1 is final.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andrus

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