On 26/12/12 11:40am, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
Ilya's point that we discussed a bit offline was that AR-like design is more 
object-oriented, with object providing all operations on themselves. The context will be 
taken from the current thread (something we already provide). One piece of theory behind 
it is a reference to the Fowler's criticism of "anemic domain 
model":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemic_domain_model  .

I find this quite interesting. One problem we are trying to solve on our 
project right now is bringing together logic between the client and server 
entities in a ROP system. Because Cayenne entities inherit from different 
superclasses (what's with that?), it is very hard to keep the business logic in 
a one place.

Anemic models are all very well, but what do you do with the code? It seems 
that all the options available to us aren't terribly convenient to use. We 
either end up with zillions of interfaces or lots of static methods.

AR is the opposite of anemic. All the Rails projects I've seen tend to throw 
lots of code into the model. But because Ruby uses duck-typing instead of 
interfaces, things don't get quite so messy. Even searching is rooted in the 
model classes:

   Artist.find(:name, "bob").sort(:age)

or something like that.


Aristedes Maniatis
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