I'm using Cayenne 3.1B1 and Pivot 2.0.2 as a GUI and have come across
something which I would gladly have some good suggestions around.
The automatically generated getters for the relationships sometimes
returns a ToManyList of objects. To be able to use that list directly in
Pivot:s widgets I have to wrap it with a ListAdapter. So, now for the
cayenne questions, it seems that ToManyList does not have an empty
constructor (maybe it does not have one because it does not really mean
anything in the ToMany relationship) causing a call to the
list.getClass().newInstance() that the ListAdapter in pivot does to
create a new empty list of the same type to throw the
It might be that the ListAdapter is wrongly implemented to assume that
the List:s always have an empty constructor or something else. Any ideas
? For now I just create a new list (ArrayList or something similar) and
fills it up with the objects in the ToManyList to send it into Pivot to
make it work, but it does seem to give an ugly solution moving from one
list type to another just to come around this.
Thanks for any comments,