You don't need a separate model, you just need to override the database
connection information in the DataNode on startup.

See here:

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Tony Giaccone <> wrote:

> So here's my situation. I'm building a framework, where I'd like to let my
> development team choose to use either sql light or postgres on a shared
> server as the persistent store.
> Using SQLite  lets them do development locally with out having to install
> Postgress on each workstation and or be dependent on a central shared
> postgres server.
> My first thought was to create two different models and then pick one in
> the web.xml file. I'm sure this would work, but the model name would have
> to be different for each model, so as to avoid file name collision. I'm not
> really keen on that idea, because the models are the same and vary only in
> the values in the data node.  And then I thought I could put them in
> different folders, which represented the datanode file.
> resources/sqlite/myCayenneModel.xml
> resources/postgres/myCayenneModel.xml
> But it's not clear to me, how that is handled in the web.xml file.  The
> filter name is the name of the model, no? How do you manage that if the
> model is not at the top level of the classpath?
> After thinking about it, it seems to me the best solution is to ask you
> all.
> Just to be pedantic here's the problem.
> I have two different data models which essentially different only in the
> value of the  data node.
> I want to be able to choose one model at compile time.
> I don't want to have to change any java code to make the choice. I'd
> prefer to just edit the web.xml file.
> Anyone have a solution?
> Tony Giaccone

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