Actually here is a more terse syntax:

User u2 = Cayenne.objectForPk(context, User.class, 2);
User u5 = Cayenne.objectForPk(context, User.class, 5);

Expression e = ExpressionFactory.matchAnyExp(u2, u5);

On Apr 3, 2012, at 7:19 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

> Don't forget that Cayenne analog of matching against a PK in DB is matching 
> against the Object itself!
> User u2 = Cayenne.objectForPk(context, User.class, 2);
> User u5 = Cayenne.objectForPk(context, User.class, 5);
> Expression e2 = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(u2);
> Expression e5 = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(u5);
> Expression e = e2.orExp(e5);
> Andrus
> On Apr 3, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
>> Hi Ramiro,
>> By default, Cayenne does not map PKs into Java objects because they
>> are considered database artifacts.
>> What is the source of your idUser values (the 2,5)?  If external to
>> your application, you can always manually add idUser back into your
>> ObjEntity in Cayenne Modeler.
>> If the source is really internal, you might want to consider matching
>> against user names or objects or other attributes.
>> mrg
>> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Ramiro Aparicio
>> <> wrote:
>>> I am trying to do what I thought it should be an easy query
>>> SELECT * FROM Users WHERE idUser IN (2,5)
>>> The problem is that it seems that the primary key of tables is somewhat of a
>>> special column that is not allowed to be used in expressions as I get
>>> Can't resolve path component: [User.idUser].
>>> My current piece of code is:
>>> Expression where = ExpressionFactory.inExp(ID_USER_PK_COLUMN, userids);
>>> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(User.class, where);
>>> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>> List <User> dbUsers = dataContext.performQuery(query);
>>> I know I can use objectForPK for every id but that doesn't seem to be too
>>> sensible, so can anyone please point me another way to get the user list in
>>> just 1 query?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Ramiro

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