(reposting from stackoverflow answer)

There are a few ways to approach this. Here is the one that IMO is the most 
transparent. The trick is to use a different ObjectContext from the one 
committing changes. Then you will get a separate copy of the object that will 
contain currently saved value:

    // 'this' refers to the DataObject being committed (assuming things happen 
in its callback)
    ObjectContext parallelContext = ... // create a new context here like you 
normally would

    // 3.1 API; 3.0.x has a similar method with a slightly different sig
    MyClass clone = parallelContext.localObject(this);

    // if you are ok with cached old value, ignore the 'invalidateObjects' call.
    // If not, uncomment it to ensure the object gets refetched. 
    // Also 3.1 API. Should be easy to adjust for 3.0
    // parallelContext.invalidateObjects(clone);

    Object oldValue = clone.getXyz();


On Mar 28, 2012, at 7:58 AM, Simran Narula wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to log each action taken on my portal UI for e.g.
> Price changed for product x
> Assume all the information is contained within one table i.e.both price & the 
> product information.
> When the portal is loaded with product information, user can change the price 
> of the product.
> I want to check if the price has changed or not and for that I am using a 
> pre-update call back in Cayenne entity to check these changes, I want to 
> check if the price x is changed to Y and push another history record in the 
> Database. So far I have tried cache strategies - NO_CACHE and other 
> workarounds but no success yet.
> surely I can achieve this by other hacky means, but do not want to. My 
> question is... is there any way to track column level changes in Cayenne ?
> Thanks.
> Simran

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