I do not want this to degrade into a "my debugger" vs "your debugger" debate, 
since I have about 4 high priority items to solve in the next few days.

I have lots of experience with different languages, including C, C++, 
Objective-C, Java, JSP, Javascript, jQuery, on Sun, Silicon Graphics, Windoz, 
OSX, Linux.  I have used everything from visual debuggers to command line 
debuggers.  In a project like the one I am working on, with many different 
languages sitting on top of each other, and with browsers causing their on 
brand of problems, I have made a very considered decisions that "less is 
better" when trying to debug problems that may be due to everything from a 
single library to a combination of competing technologies.

If I were making the kinds of decisions that the Cayenne team is making, I 
would not hesitate to use Eclipse.  However, I find it top-heavy and clumsy for 
the multi-level development I am doing (right up to the point someone has 
tested something like VisualVM that makes my life easier).

I have done a *lot* of black box testing and debuggers are a useful tool for a 
certain class of problem.  However, for other classes of problems they create a 
"you can't see the forest for the trees" phenomenon.

I will give a couple of debuggers a shot, but my intuition tells me that this 
is a simple configuration issue at some level.

On Mar 14, 2012, at 3:05 PM, John Huss wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Joe Baldwin <jfbald...@earthlink.net>wrote:
>> Andrus,
>> that is a rather large amount of work, since I use TextWrangler Editor
>> (i.e. no IDE and not debugger).  If you have a recommendation for an
>> opensource debugger, then I will give it a shot.  (I am one of the few
>> people who thinks Eclipse is annoying. :) )
> Not being able to debug your code is far more annoying.  However, though I
> have never used it, java comes with a command-line debugger - jdb.
> John

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