That would be my guess ...

Can you double check that you do not have a cyclic graph?

The AshwoodEntitySorter sometimes gets wrapped around the axle and
doesn't throw an exception when it should.  When you have to-many (or
to-dependent PK) relationships, the owning object must be inserted

A (id) ->> B (id, a_fk)

In this scenario, A must be inserted first to get the PK to push into
the FK in B.  Pretty easy to see/undersand in this case.  However, if
you have:

A ->> B ->> C ->> D ->> A

There is no correct way to insert that graph with auto-generated keys.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:41 AM, cghersi <> wrote:
> This table is involved in a lot of relationships: is this a possible cause
> of failures?

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