Hard to say without access to the server... NoClassDefFoundError... Is there a 
full stack trace somewhere?

On Feb 7, 2012, at 3:17 AM, Joe Baldwin wrote:

> Andrus,
> I just found an associated error (via doing a simple println statement)
> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cayenne/conn/PoolManager
> This is of course clearly not the case, since I have been using the same DBCP 
> cayenne-config for over a year now. Is it possible, that the webhost has 
> imposed a DB connection limit, and the techsupport guys don't know about it?  
> If this is the case, then this app may not be able to get a connection from 
> the pool.
> This is a weird theory, since I am getting enough connections to to select 
> queries.
> I am back to being confused. I sure hope you have some ideas. :)
> Joe
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:13 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> Is this error still an issue: 
>>>>> Caused by: org.apache.cayenne.ConfigurationException: [v.3.0.1 Aug 25 
>>>>> 2010 19:42:04] Can't open config file URL: 
>>>>> jndi:/om28.com/store/WEB-INF/config/cayenne-files/cayenne.xml
>> ? 
>> If so, please follow my advise about the location of Cayenne files and then 
>> your Tomcat settings should not matter anymore.
>> Andrus
>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:48 AM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
>>> Andrus,
>>> Is there a webhost server setting that might account for this?  (I googled 
>>> this problem and the first results appears to point to webhost settings.   
>>> I, presumably, set account privileges for the user, but this was through a 
>>> 3rd party manager interface - which is always a bit unsettling because you 
>>> can't verify it.)
>>> Here is the current error (which is really odd because it is working just 
>>> fine on my dev server)
>>> com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: 
>>> Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 
>>> (`eagle1_om28`.`product`, CONSTRAINT `product_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY 
>>> (`packageTypeOid`) REFERENCES `packagetype` (`oid`))
>>> Thanks
>>> Joe
>>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>>> While I don't know what the cause of the error is, my recommendation would 
>>>> be to put all Cayenne files in CLASSPATH (e.g. WEB-INF/classes or in a jar 
>>>> under WEB-INF/lib). This is much more portable across any Java 
>>>> environments.
>>>> Andrus
>>>> On Feb 4, 2012, at 7:40 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
>>>>> Here is more research on my "odd error".  
>>>>> Production Server Env
>>>>>   Tomcat, linux, MySQL 5.1, Java 1.6
>>>>>   I only have control of tomcat config files & start/stop operations
>>>>>   **** I am using a *temp* configuration for installation and only have 
>>>>> an IP which I aliased to "om28.com" in my hosts file (a standard trick)
>>>>> Symptoms & Research:
>>>>> It appears that tomcat has logged a Cayenne configuration exception
>>>>>   Caused by: org.apache.cayenne.ConfigurationException: [v.3.0.1 Aug 25 
>>>>> 2010 19:42:04] Can't open config file URL: 
>>>>> jndi:/om28.com/store/WEB-INF/config/cayenne-files/cayenne.xml
>>>>> Which seems to be accurate because that is not were I put the cayenne.xml 
>>>>> file.  Here is my web.xml entry for the app
>>>>>   <!-- Cayenne ORM -->
>>>>>   <context-param>
>>>>>           <param-name>cayenne.configuration.path</param-name>
>>>>>           <param-value>/WEB-INF/config/cayenne-files</param-value>
>>>>>   </context-param>
>>>>>   <filter>
>>>>>           <filter-name>CayenneFilter</filter-name>
>>>>> <filter-class>org.apache.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextFilter</filter-class>
>>>>>   </filter>
>>>>>   <filter-mapping>
>>>>>           <filter-name>CayenneFilter</filter-name>
>>>>>           <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>>>>   </filter-mapping>
>>>>> Questions:
>>>>> 1. I have no understanding of why Cayenne would be looking for the xml 
>>>>> file in a path that included "store". Could this be a result of it 
>>>>> getting confused by the alias "om28.com"?
>>>>> 2. I have a demo working on the same webhost, but as a subdomain. It is 
>>>>> using, I believe, the identical web.xml excerpt.  This same web.xml file 
>>>>> is working on my development server.  Is there a way to configure cayenne 
>>>>> or the temp installation to make this work correctly
>>>>> 3. Or, am I completely on the wrong track? :)
>>>>> On Feb 3, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
>>>>>> I am manually mirroring a test app (successfully tested on my dev 
>>>>>> tomcat), onto a remote server.  I am getting an odd error and am having 
>>>>>> trouble tracking it down. (an excerpt is listed below)
>>>>>> While it is possible that I have made a mistake in my coding, it is not 
>>>>>> likely since the associated code has been working for a while.  I have 
>>>>>> also been fighting some tomcat caching problems, which I have resolved 
>>>>>> by deleting the tomcat cache for this app each time I reload it.
>>>>>> I have tried standard debugging on my dev server, but the error is not 
>>>>>> showing up.  Also, it this error shows up mostly when I am adding the 
>>>>>> parent to which it is referring, however, it also has just shown up at 
>>>>>> random when I make a simple query via cayenne.
>>>>>> Is it possible that I have missed some configuration parameter in 
>>>>>> loading my cayenne map? It is acting so odd that I am fairly convinced 
>>>>>> that this error message may not be pointing to the actual error.  
>>>>>> Totally confused. :)
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>> com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
>>>>>>  Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 

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