On 6/02/12 7:26 AM, Daniel Scheibe wrote:
Thanks Ari,

i'm trying to store information about the content of archives (ZIP and RAR) 
inside a database table. They usually consist of a few hundred up to 20-30k 
thousand entries and i would like to keep this inside a transaction either 
suceeding or failing in a whole for a single archive. Of course i could issue 
commits in between and process them in chunks but its more work and harder to 
maintain the rollback of the process if something goes wrong or fails during 
the import phase. As previously mentioned i have it working with plain SQL 
statements but would love to integrate Cayenne in between to get the full 
advantage and convenience of an O/R mapper. Furthermore i'm using XADisk's 
support for transactions on the filesystem level to keep it synchronized with 
the database (also works out great with larger transactions).

Appreciating your help! I will search the list again, maybe i've missed some 
stuff that has been discussed already.


Am 05.02.2012 13:28, schrieb Aristedes Maniatis:
On 5/02/12 10:11 PM, Daniel Scheibe wrote:
Hi guys,

i'm trying to figure out how Cayenne is handling transactions in
regards of when data is transferred to the database. I am trying to
get some large transactions (many small records or a few very large
records) working and so far haven't had luck. If i understand
correcly, Cayenne is holding my records in a cache and when i execute
the commitChanges() on the ObjectContext it starts to transfer all of
the data to the database (isolated in a real database transaction). So
my question is (and please correct me if my previuos assumption is
wrong) how can I influence on this behaviour since i pretty much need
Cayenne to use the database transaction more directly. When i skip
Cayenne and issue SQL statements right through the JDBC connection
TRANSACTION) it works fine as with MySQL i'm only restricted to the
maximum allowed size of the InnoDB transaction logfile which is quite
sufficient for my purposes. On the other hand
completely understand that Cayenne would not know when i've finished
working with an Entity as there is no kind of "save" command on the
Entity itself.

Oh, this of course only goes for storing data inside the database, not
for reading.

Maybe some of you guys with a bit more insight into the Cayenne
internals can help me out on this or point me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance and a refreshing weekend!


Can you explain a little more what you are trying to do and what problem
you are trying to avoid. Yes, there are ways to control the transactions
through Cayenne (search this list for many previous thread discussing
this), but it sounds like you just need to commit your context at the
appropriate places in your code.


OK, good. Then what is the problem with using a single commit for the whole 


Aristedes Maniatis
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