
Answer to myself : this was a threading issue ! I separated the commits in a different context and everything works fine. Don't udpate and commit at the same time in a context, as the Cayenne documentation state, the ObjectContext is not thread safe so you have to take care of synchronization yourself !


Le 09/27/2011 10:25 AM, Laurent Marchal a écrit :
Hi guys,

I've been successfully used Cayenne for years now, but we have a really weird issue right now : Cayenne is committing columns that are never modified in our code.. I'm pretty sure Cayenne is not the problem, but more the way we use it and I'd like your help on Cayenne internals to discover where it comes from.

In our product we manipulate jobs (tasks), and you can change their statuses (stop/start/restart...etc). For some reason when we commit the status of a job Cayenne randomely updates another one (or more). This is happening quite a lot and we discovered the issue because we have triggers auditing the database. Here's an extract of the audit :
_Change Date Time_         _UserID_             _DB Table_      _JobName_       
        _COLUMN_                        _Before Value_          _After Value

2010-12-09 08:00:52.700 teixeira        SMASTER_AUX     ARCANO-PUT      Change 
Reason           (Record Added)          Force Restart :  (Teixeira on 
09/12/2010 08:00)
2010-12-09 08:00:52.707 teixeira        SMASTER         ARCANO-PUT      Job 
Status              Failed                  Wait to Start
2010-12-09 08:00:52.723 teixeira        SMASTER         NXGLoadPosLe    Job 
Status              Finished OK             Job Running
2010-12-09 08:00:52.723 teixeira        SMASTER         NXGLoadPosLe    Exit 
Description        0000000000              Pid = 4456

2011-01-14 19:29:10.763 oper-jla        SMASTER_AUX     LODH-REC-T      Change 
Reason           (Record Added)          Skip : RZU (Oper-JLA on 14/01/2011 
2011-01-14 19:29:10.773 oper-jla        SMASTER         G2-RECONSO      Job 
Status              Finished OK             Job Running
2011-01-14 19:29:10.773 oper-jla        SMASTER         G2-RECONSO      Exit 
Description        0000000000              Pid = 8968

2011-01-14 19:29:10.783 oper-jla        SMASTER         LODH-REC-T      Job 
Status              Wait Job Dependency     Job to be Skipped
You can see here that when the job ARCANO-PUT is updated, the job /NXGLoadPosLe /gets updated too. Same for /G2-RECONSO /who gets updated along with LODH-REC-T. You can think that it's a pretty normal behavior (if the objects are modified in the same ObjectContext they'll be commited together) but I'm sure we NEVER modify the column _Exit Description_ ! In the other hand there is a thread that regularly updates those jobs from the database so Cayenne can refresh this _Exit Description_ column.

My guess is that while a refresh is made from the DB and the _Exit Description_ is updated, a commit is made at the same time. Can it cause that issue ? What happens if a thread update/refresh the jobs while another commits on the same ObjectContext ?

Thank you for your help on this.

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