> I think you misunderstood - there are 1..1 relationships in Cayenne of > course.
Phew. > There's no one to one correspondence between Cayenne and Hibernate features > :-) Phew :-))) (Some of Hibernate's features are massive misfeatures IMNSHO.) Re my own status, I was forced to shelve the transition to Cayenne due to workforce constraints. But I'm still looking forward to eventually moving to it... and it will be interesting to see how much I'll have to rewrite in the end. Not a loss for things that never quite worked anyway in Hibernate, most prominently session breakage recovery. But getting rid of HQL, dropping down to native SQL, and changing all the Hibernate types to Cayenne types could require a lot of rewriting that don't improve the project in themselves; also, I do have some trepidation that I'll need to rework parts of the program's structure. Well, I'll see. Hopefully this year, even :-) Regards, Jo