Hi Bruno,

I don't have an Oracle installation I can tinker with, but can you
switch to doing a paginated query instead of setting fetch offsets and
fetch limits and see if that helps?  (This assumes your data set is
small enough to be reasonable to fetch the PKs.)



On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Bruno René Santos <brunor...@holos.pt> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Any more ideas on this subject? Andrus or Gentry could you please dissolve
> these doubts about the possibility of using aliases on the column names?
> Thanx a lot
> BRuno
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bruno René Santos <brunor...@holos.pt>
> Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: Limits & Joins on Oracle
> To: user@cayenne.apache.org
> Hi Chris,
> Your solutions are in consonance with what I said in my mail. But having
> fields with the same name is quite common. For instants all our primary keys
> are named ID and for all our tables we always have columns like
> last_modified_at, created_at, last_modified_by or created_by which we use
> for logging purposes. So it would by critical for us to have this issue
> resolved. I am willing to give it a try if someone could point me on the
> right direction in terms of cayenne inner architecture of objects
> Regards
> Bruno
> Em 14-06-2011 17:55, Chris Poulsen escreveu:
>  Hi,
>> We have been using the same pagination pattern on Oracle as Cayenne uses
>> without problems for quite some time (years). So I can confirm that it
>> looks
>> sane.
>> Anyway looking at the query in CAY-1266, one thing sticks out - The inner
>> query returns both t0.docid and t1.docid, IIRC oracle will "translate" the
>> latter into "docid_1" if the inner sql is executed without the wrapper
>> clauses.
>> It just doesn't make sense to return "docid" twice from the select clause
>> as
>> you can't really distinguish them in the surrounding sql anyway (but the
>> inner query is able to execute as valid sql due to the naming trick and as
>> it is the join column it doesn't matter if we're getting the t0 or t1
>> version here).
>> The solutions I can come up with at the moment would be to alias the
>> columns
>> in a way that ensures unique column names: select ...., t0.docid t0_docid,
>> ..., t1.docid t1_docid FROM ... (That would make Oracle happy)
>> - And then let the mapper figure out what goes where (if possible?) i.e.
>> mapping t1_docid to the T1Object.docid and t0_docid to the T0Object.docid
>>  -
>> Exactly what Brunos colleague suggests.
>> Alternatively a quick partial solution is to leave out the
>> t1.<column_name>,
>> if: 1) it is a join column and 2) it has same name as t0.<column_name>  -
>> duplicated column names that are NOT joined on, will still give errors with
>> this, but the mapping code would not need to adapt to the aliased column
>> names.
>> Aliasing the columns (first suggestion) will be the most robust/correct
>> solution as queries returning tables with equivalently named non-join
>> columns would return incorrect results. Although the quick hack could be
>> used to figure out if the above analysis is correct ;)
>> I hope this helps you guys figure out a solution to Oracle/fetch limit
>> thing.
> --
> Bruno René Santos | brunor...@holos.pt <mailto:brunor...@holos.pt> | Gestor
> de Projectos | Analista | Programador | Investigador
> Holos - Soluções Avançadas em Tecnologias de Informação S.A.
> Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de Almada/Setúbal . Edifício Madan Parque
> Rua dos Inventores . Quinta da Torre . 2825 - 182 Caparica . Portugal
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> --
> Bruno René Santos | brunor...@holos.pt | Gestor de Projectos | Analista |
> Programador | Investigador
> Holos - Soluções Avançadas em Tecnologias de Informação S.A.
> Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de Almada/Setúbal . Edifício Madan Parque
> Rua dos Inventores . Quinta da Torre . 2825 - 182 Caparica . Portugal
> Phone: +351 210 438 686 . Fax: +351 210 438 687 . Web: www.holos.pt
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