The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)'s Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) is now accepting applications for ApacheCon North America 2011, 7-11 November in Vancouver BC, Canada.
The TAC is seeking individuals from the Apache community at-large --users, developers, educators, students, Committers, and Members-- who would like to attend ApacheCon, but need some financial support in order to be able to get there. There are limited places available, and all applicants will be scored on their individual merit. Financial assistance is available to cover flights/trains, accommodation and entrance fees either in part or in full, depending on circumstances. However, the support available for those attending only the BarCamp (7-8 November) is less than that for those attending the entire event (Conference + BarCamp 7-11 November). The Travel Assistance Committee aims to support all official ASF events, including cross-project activities; as such, it may be prudent for those in Asia and Europe to wait for an event geographically closer to them. More information can be found at including a link to the online application and detailed instructions for submitting. Applications will close on 8 July 2011 at 22:00 BST (UTC/GMT +1). We wish good luck to all those who will apply, and thank you in advance for tweeting, blogging, and otherwise spreading the word. Regards, The Travel Assistance Committee -- --------------------------> Aristedes Maniatis GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C 5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A