I think in this case this is actually a PK generation attempt. So please check 
that relationships from "master" entities pointing to the entity in question 
all have "to dep pk" checkbox checked. This way their PKs will be used as this 
entity FKs.


On May 3, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Steve Springett wrote:

> Bruno,
> While I cannot comment specifically on Cayenne, most persistance frameworks
> issue a 'dummy' SQL command known to return extremely fast in order to test
> a connection. For Oracle, the DUAL table is most often used, usually in a
> SELECT * FROM DUAL context. Persistance frameworks that also include
> connection pools (like Cayenne) may issue these commands to ensure
> connections are still up and attempt to reconnect if they are not.
> --Steve
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Bruno René Santos <brunor...@holos.pt>wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a table with 3 foreign keys that are also the composite primary key.
>> On cayenne modeler the primary key generation is Default but even so during
>> the commit phase Cayenne tries to call the following command:
>> which is a sequence that does not exist anywhere.... Why is it trying to
>> generate a sequence with a default generation behaviour?
>> Thanx
>> Bruno
>> --
>> Bruno René Santos | brunor...@holos.pt <mailto:brunor...@holos.pt> |
>> Gestor de Projectos | Analista | Programador | Investigador
>> Holos - Soluções Avançadas em Tecnologias de Informação S.A.
>> Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de Almada/Setúbal . Edifício Madan Parque
>> Rua dos Inventores . Quinta da Torre . 2825 - 182 Caparica . Portugal
>> Phone: +351 210 438 686 . Fax: +351 210 438 687 . Web: www.holos.pt
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