Hello all,


First, sorry about so many doubts in so little time, but I’m trying to decide
how to do some things on my application concerning cayenne. So adding to my
previous doubts, here goes some more doubts:


1.       Do cayenne transactions guarantee consistency as MySQL transactions

2.       Do you think cayenne’s optimistic locking is reliable enough to use on
a financial web application with money movements between accounts, where you
could have lots of people messing with the same accounts? If not, how can use a
regular lock from the MySQL DB? With a performNonSelectingQuery?


Thank you so much

Bruno Santos


Bruno René Santos | Gestor de Projectos - Project Manager |
<mailto:brunor...@holos.pt> brunor...@holos.pt |  <http://www.holos.pt>


Holos - Soluções Avançadas em Tecnologias de Informação S.A. 

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