Currently none of the resolved objects will be turned into faults. We
discussed swapping out pages, using some algorithm (e.g. LRU). It was
decided that we can't predict in all cases what to swap out, so that
was put on hold. I think we even have a Jira for it somewhere. Not
supported at the moment though.
On Apr 26, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:
Hi Ari;
Another question on this; if I "page around the list" are the
objects not in the "current page" subject to garbage collection?
Aha! (penny drops) -- ok that is the behaviour I'm after. Thanks
to both of you for talking this through. I've written some
material to go at the top of "SelectQuery" javadoc to confirm my
understanding and augment the javadoc for others;
I committed a slight variation on your suggestion.
Andrew Lindesay