We occasionally make database schema changes. We also modify some of the
attributes of ObjEntity entries. It looks like a reverse engineering run
would ignore any changes to ObjEntity entries. Is there any way to have
changes merged?


With Hibernate, we use middlegen to generate the classes, directly from
the database schema. But there is an indermediate step that allows us to
modify such things as relationship cardinality and directionality,
superclasses, ID generation strategy and extended types. These changes
are stored in an XML file so that they are read and used in the next
middlegen run. Is there a way to have such local customisations retained
with Cayenne Modeler?


The point may be moot, however, as reverse engineering the databases
doesn't seem to overwrite existing classes, anyway, instead generating a
new class with the name suffixed by a number.




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