Yeah i agree that table/field/date/old value/new value is clearer, but it seems complex to me to have old/new values.

Do you found a good way to do this ?

Mike Kienenberger wrote:
If you want the sql executed, query logger seems like it might be your
best best.

For what it's worth, we occasionally need to go through our audit logs
to research why something changed, and if we had to work with raw sql,
it'd be pretty hopeless.   Breaking things out into
table/field/date/old value/new value/source-of-change-identity makes
things a lot better.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Laurent Marchal <> wrote:
Hello there,

  In our product we need to audit all the database modifications (creates,
updates, deletes) and log them in an audit table. I see some olds posts in
the ML about that and there are solutions for that in cayenne. But i would
like to know if somebody have some hints about the best way to implement it
with cayenne.

As we need to store the raw SQL query executed, should we use QueryLogger,
 TransactionDelegate, DataContextDelegate, Lifycle listeners ?



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