Hi Andrus,

Yes I did see that from the jira emails. I will pick it up and apply it as a patch to my cayenne jar. Thanks very much.


On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 4:30 am, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
BTW, this was fixed on trunk by Andrey yesterday.


On Oct 9, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Hi Tarik,

We have a Jira to fix that... Hopefully we'll get to it rather sooner than later.



On Oct 8, 2008, at 7:16 PM, Tarik wrote:

Hey Ari,

I have a question for you. Have you found any ways to go around the fact that context.rollBackChanges() does not work in ROP? I'm building an app and need to fix this.

The class in charge of rolling back the changes on the client side is just a stub that does nothing.


On Tue, 7 Oct 2008 7:07 pm, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 08/10/2008, at 3:59 AM, Demetrios Kyriakis wrote:

Are there any ROP based projects that could be used as example?
I mean some non-trivial examples (not like those from the SVN)

I have a non-trivial ROP client/server desktop application. But unfortunately the source is not available at this time. I'd be happy to answer specific questions you might have. Cayenne 3, Jetty 6, Hessian.

Are you building a web app or a desktop application?

Ari Maniatis

Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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