Say you overrode the getter ... if null, return default value. This wouldn't flag the object as having been changed, so if you commitChanges() -- without making other changes, this object wouldn't be pushed back t the DB.
I'm not sure what the correct (as in expected) behavior would be if the Modeler had a default value column. Should Cayenne check for NULL and then SET the value (ensuring it is modified)? Should Cayenne just check for NULLs in the getter and return the default value (not modifying the object)? I just know some would expect it to work one way and others the other way. /dev/mrg On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 5:46 AM, Øyvind Harboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > One way to handle database NULL (replace with default value) > is to override the CayenneDataObject get/set methods.