Hi All,


I've hit a problem in executing a named query in cayenne 3 m4 release.

I posted on the group last week that I'm getting java.io.StreamCorrupted
error regarding the CLOB but I've found that the exception is thrown for
all named queries in cayenne.


My previous post are at - http://markmail.org/message/7bpcafekap2pa53q


Here is my SQL:


SELECT s.submission_oid, s.submission_code, s.submission_status,
s.form_version_oid, s.creation_user, s.creation_timestamp,
s.modification_user, s.modification_timestamp, s.assigned_user

FROM submission s WHERE submission_oid IN

(SELECT DISTINCT submission_oid FROM submission_version WHERE
submission_status = 'Submitted' AND creation_user = 1)

ORDER BY s.modification_timestamp DESC



I'm expecting few varchar2, timestamp and numeric fields out of this
query and I always get the java.io.StreamCorrupted exception.



Can anyone please suggest a workaround/fix??


Thanks a lot,


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