On 05/07/2008, at 11:51 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
Yes it won't. SelectQuery always refreshes objects in the cache,
unless you call 'setRefreshingObjects(true)' (I am actually thinking
of deprecating this method).
Does that mean that this page [1] is incorrect when it says:
The query cache is designed to improve performance of SelectQueries
returning large result sets (by saving on sql execution and object
faulting). Paging is another way of improving speed of large list
queries, and it works nicely together with the query cache.
Should that be changed? If you deprecate setRefreshingObjects() when
exactly does the query cache help?
Shared object cache (actually this is DataRow cache) as opposed to
query list cache, is intended for relationship resolving, and
creating updates. So when you run a straight query, generally it has
no effect.
What do you mean here by 'creating updates'?
I'd like to get as much of this information into that doc pages as
possible, as I think there are still a few grey areas about caching.
[1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CAYDOC/Caching+and+Fresh+Data
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