
May be the tables are hidden under some schema ?

PostgreSQL organizes as a database with multiple schemas (like oracle). The 
search_path internal
postgresql variable defines the schema "search order" to find elements.

To find the available structure of your database y recommend to use pgadmin iii 
or run from console 

# pg_dump myDbName | less

Good luck

On Tue, 6 May 2008 12:21:59 -0400, Michael Gentry wrote
> This may not matter for your setup, but is the username "sa" correct?
> With PostgreSQL, you typically create a "postgres" database superuser.
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Eric Polino
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We were using derby and have decided to switch to postgresql.  I have
> >  changed all my adapters and drivers and they seem to be working
> >  properly.  I'm getting issues when I try to run my initialization
> >  script that has always worked before.  It's a pretty simple script.
> >  It's just a whole bunch of inserts that initialize a development db to
> >  work with.  It's complaining that it can't find the tables it's
> >  attempting to insert into.  I think it's pretty fair to assume that
> >  since they aren't there, it's because they weren't created.  Our setup
> >  is pretty simple.  Via an ant script, we use the postgresql adapter to
> >  take the db schema generated by the CayenneModeler to create the db we
> >  need in our postgresql db.
> >
> >  I hope this is enough information to trigger some type of help.  We
> >  are all pretty new to Cayenne.  We were working with derby so far,
> >  simply because it was what the guide had us start with, and we haven't
> >  changed yet.  So, some parts we just do blindly.  TIA for anyone
> >  lending a hand.
> >
> >  Facts i know:
> >  my database exists, i can connect to it via the console
> >  when connecting to my db after trying to build, the tables aren't there
> >  it doesn't fail when attempting to setup the db via the schema
> >  it fails when trying to run some insert statements
> >
> >  Pieces of the build.xml that might be of help:
> >
> >  <!-- generate database schema from data map -->
> >  <echo message="creating new schema for SunriseDB from cayenne data 
> > map..."/>
> >  <cdbgen map="${basedir}/src/main/resources/"
> >       adapter="org.apache.cayenne.dba.postgres.PostgresAdapter"
> >       driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
> >       url="${jdbc.url}"   NOTE: set to
> >  jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/SunriseDB
> >       droptables="true"
> >       droppk="true"
> >       createtables="true"
> >       createpk="true"
> >       createfk="true"
> >       username="sa"
> >       password="*****" />
> >
> >     <!-- populate database -->
> >     <echo message="populating database with test data..."/>
> >     <sql
> >       driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
> >       classpathref="maven.compile.classpath"
> >       url="${jdbc.url}"
> >       userid="sa"
> >       password="*****"
> >       src="${basedir}/src/main/derby/scripts/dataset1-script"/>
> >
> >     <sql2
> >       driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
> >       classpathref="maven.compile.classpath"
> >       url="${jdbc.url}"
> >       userid="sa"
> >       password="*****"
> >       script="${basedir}/src/main/derby/binary_data/dataset1-clobs.txt"/>
> >
> >
> >  --
> >  Eric Polino
> >  Campground Automated Systems
> >

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