Hi Andrus,
  My problem is stemming from not being able to get the defaults set in the 
first place.  When I make a new object and do not set any of the objects 
properties I get an insert something like this going on....
  INSERT INTO tablename(property1, property2, property3) VALUES(NULL, NULL, 
  of course Cayenne uses 'bind'.
  what I would like is for the insert to be like this...
  INSERT INTO tablename() VALUES()
  or this also would work...
  INSERT INTO tablename(property1,property2,property3) VALUES(DEFAULT, DEFAULT, 
  DEFAULT is a key word in MySQL that sets the field to the columns default 
  So, I am basically trying to figure out how to have Cayenne either substitute 
DEFAULT for all NULLs, omit the property on INSERT if it is NULL, or my plan 
for a work around was to retrieve the default value metadata from the MySQL 
server and then set all the fields to their default values using a util method 
like this ( this is mostly pseudocode )
  public DataObject SetDefaultsForDataObject(DataObject obj)
       Results = Execute("SHOW columns FROM obj.tablename");
             field = Results.get("Field");
             default = Results.get("Default");
       return obj;
  Is there anyway to not put the properties in the INSERT statement if they are 
NULL, that is how MySQL knows to do the default unless you specify DEFAULT 
  Any additional help on this would be very appreciated!
  Thanks again,

Andrus Adamchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Syncing DB defaults with entities is indeed a painful exercise as JDBC 
provides no callback mechanism to let the app know which defaults were 
set. Here is one more brute force mechanism to achieve that - 
invalidate all newly inserted objects. E.g., using 3.0 API:

List newObjects = context.newObjects();
context.performGenericQuery(new RefreshQuery(newObjects));


On Dec 22, 2007, at 11:57 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

> On 23/12/2007, at 5:30 AM, Adam Yocum wrote:
>> 'SHOW columns FROM tablename'
> This might be a good starting point:
> http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/api/org/apache/cayenne/map/ObjEntity.html#getAttributes()
> Ari Maniatis
> -------------------------->
> ish
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