What does your Order#getShipments() look like?



On Dec 11, 2007 3:37 PM, Kevin Menard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a nested relationship that I can't seem to update.  I have something
> like the following:
> Order ---* OrderEntry ---* ShipmentEntry ---* Shipment
> I added a nested relationship on Order to Shipment so I wouldn't have to
> manually traverse all of that.
> If I create a new Shipment and associate a ShipmentEntry with it that is in
> turn associated with an OrderEntry, a call to Order#getShipments() will not
> recognize the new Shipment.  If I manually traverse the path, however, the
> data is correct.  Grabbing a new context, the call to Order#getShipments()
> is correct.
> I've tried using variants of RefreshQuery to no avail.  So, any help would
> be appreciated.  This is in Cayenne 3.0-trunk in an ROP client environment.
> If I can't get that going, I'll just have to write my own getShipments() I
> guess.
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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