You should use a static Ordering method that takes a list of orderings:

Ordering.orderList(List<?> objects, List<Comparator<Object>> orderings)


On Dec 10, 2007, at 7:21 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

I'm not sure how you'd go about it this way, but you can add any number of
Orderings to a SelectQuery.  If the objects are already cached, you
shouldn't really see a performance hit. I've not tried it myself, however.


On 12/10/07 11:53 AM, "Alexander Lamb (dev)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello List,

I am sorting a to-many list in memory:

    List<RegistryEnrollment> re = getEnrollments();
    Ordering ordering = new Ordering("year", true);
    return re;

But I would like to add a second sort criteria (month after year)

I found there were expressions, but no example for formatting them.



Alexander Lamb

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