Hello, list! I meet little harmless problems. Please, let me explain. The context: I use Cayenne 3.0M1 in a Tomcat 6.0.14 server, in a set of servlets that edit graphs : add/delete/update vertexes objects and add/delete/update edges objects. Then, a last servlet builds graphs images with the JUNG (http://jung.sourceforge.net) API.
The first problem appears when edges are deleted. Then, the deleted edge still appears in the graph until I restart the Tomcat server. I guess it comes from a cached object in a dataContext. But I am not totally sure it does not come from a misuse of JUNG. All the servlets are inherited from the same class, that provides a protected DataContext field initiated with " DataContext.*createDataContext*(*true*);". *I am sure I felt on a newbie gotcha, so is there any particular configuration parameter to check*? The second problem happens less often, when graphs are rendered (I am not able to reproduce it at the moment) : edges sometimes appear twice. Even if it seems to be a misuse of JUNG, I tell it here because for each persistent object's class (vertees and edges), I overwrote the methods "int hashCode()" and the "boolean equals(Object o)" like this : "getObjectId().hashCode()" and "getObjectId().equals(((CayenneDataObject)o).getObjectid())". *I would be sure this should always work*. These problems aren't maybe relevant to my use of Cayenne, but I think so. Thank you for your help, or at least, to have read this mail until here :) Best regards, -- JF Smigielski