Hi Jan,

See if the "Deleting in an Iterator" section at:


will help you.


On Nov 19, 2007 1:48 PM, Jan Lendholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I got pretty frustrated in the meantime with cayenne, as i think there are 
> happing some pretty ugly thingsin cayenne's internals.
> At first, I again need help on deleting objects with relationships.
> Let's say I've got one table called "booking" with its entity Booking.
> And I've got another table extras with entity Extras.
> The relationship is from booking to Extras one to many (1-n entries in Extra 
> for one booking entry).
> I've set both relationships with delete rule to nullify.
> Now, sime pseudo-code:
> Booking booking = ...;
> List<Extras> extras = booking.getExtrasArray();
> for (int i= 0;...)
> {
>     booking.getDataContext().deleteObject(extras.get(i));
> }
> commitChanges();
> Now, the data are deleted from the database.
> But if I do a booking.getExtrasArray(); again, it still contains the deleted 
> objects; it seems as if they were cached or so :-/
> Even an booking.RemoveFromExtras(extras.get(i)) won't work.
> Hiow does the deletion work correctly? I really don't understand why cayenne 
> won't manage that automatically, for it would be quite logic to remove 
> deleted objects form the object graph.
> Well, some words about the "ugly things": We had some really strange errors 
> coming up which are at the end quite logic, but do not help finding the 
> problem so wen spent about 3 hours to find it.
> We deleted an entity in the modeler and recreated it. Unfortunately, there 
> was a reference missing. So cayenne just threw an index out of bounds 
> exception. I really don't understand such a behaviour either :/ To me, such 
> kind of errors should be handeled and analyzed automatically by a framework, 
> e.g. like spring does. Ok, that's it for now. Hope you still like me :-D
> Tahnks a lot in advance & kind regards form Hamburg!
> Jan
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