On 23/09/2007, at 2:23 PM, Philip Copeland wrote:

Did you have an issue committing every "several thousand records". What
would you do if it failed at that stage - did you figure out a way to
resume again at a known point? Handling large imports is never easy.

Initially we had some memory issues, but improvements by Andrus in the builds of Cayenne 3 around April 2007 fixed that nicely. Then we experimented with different batch sizes and their effect on speed. We found that 1000 worked well for us, so I think that's what we left it at in the end.

We prevent failure during commit by running validateForSave() on each record. If it fails we remove it from the context and write out a log entry. In our case we regularly see hundreds of errors in the import data, but thankfully they mostly aren't our problem to fix. That way we continue right to the end, even if some records fail. This allows the customer to fix the errors and either import them along, or return to a backup database and rerun the whole thing.

Of course, your goals may be quite different.

Ari Maniatis

Aristedes Maniatis
phone +61 2 9660 9700
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