On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:29 PM, Chris Gamache wrote:
I think I have this cat skinned... After exhausting all avenues of getting this to work without any modifications, I broke down and created and registered a new ExtendedType to process java.util.UUID. It wasn't difficult at all. (That's a hallmark of a good, extendable, design and easy to read docs. Kudos to the Cayenne developers!)
Very cool. Yeah - if there is a way to read/write a value via JDBC, Cayenne should be able to accommodate it.
So are you simply using PreparedStatement.setObject(..) and pass UUID, or you convert UUID to something else (String?) before doing that?
I'd be happy to make my ExtendedType class available to anyone who might like to use it.
I was thinking of including an ExtendedType for UUID in Cayenne core. Although I guess we'll have to convert it to a "JDBC primitive" for DB's other than Postgres. So I guess you can open an improvement request in Jira and attach your code to it.
Thanks Andrus