I suggest using "getSelectedCountry().removeFromCenters(..)" for
consistent behavior. As for the remove, maybe we should fire a list
fault for consistency, but this hasn't been a big deal as
relationship management is better done via special methods.
On May 24, 2007, at 10:54 AM, Alexander Lamb wrote:
Hello list,
I am fetching a "List" of objects (a too many relationship).
Then in a loop, I am removing some objects:
List<RegistryCenter> rcs = getRegistry().getRegistryCenters();
List centers = getSelectedCountry().getCenters();
for(RegistryCenter rc:rcs)
Now, this doesn't always work. Actually, it fails if "centers" is a
fault (I checked in the Cayenne code).
If I simply do a "size()" of "contains" on the list before my loop
for example. My list will fire and my loop will function correctly,
removing objects when present in the list.
So there is a workaround, but I was wondering why the "remove
(object)" in ToManyList.java behaved differently than for example
"remove(index)" which will correctly fire the fault.
In other words, "remove(object)" is the only function which does
not systématically fire the fault.