

i have a problem with refreshing of cached objects.


I do something like this:


            SelectQuery query = new 
Expression.fromString("cid = " + cid));

            List list = context.performQuery(query);


            Customer customer = list.get(0);

            List accounts = c.getAccounts();


            Account a = accounts.get(0);







I am using Optimistic Locking on the Account Object and what I need to do is to 
catch the OptimisticLockException which may be thrown and redo the steps again. 
So if the data of the Account is changed within the database while I am using 
it I want to reload the customer and all it's related objects and try again.


My problem is that after the OptimisticLockException is thrown the data within 
the Account object is not reloaded from the database. I tried to use


but still no changes. 


In the logging file I see that cayenne entries like this:


SELECT t0.cid, t0.last_updated, t0.login, t0.next_cycle_date, t0.rec_change, 
t0.rec_create, t0.suspended, t0.id, t0.mandant_id FROM customer t0 WHERE t0.cid 
= ? [bind: 7]

SELECT t0.activation_date, t0.amount, t0.credit_limit, t0.expire_date, 
t0.next_cycle_date, t0.rec_change, t0.rec_create, t0.account_type_id, 
t0.customer_id, t0.id, t0.unit_id FROM account t0 WHERE t0.customer_id = ? 
[bind: 797380]


But the objects I get still contain the old data and I keep getting 
OptimisticLockExceptions. How do I tell cayenne to reload the customer and all 
it's related object from the database???


I am using cayenne 1.2.1, with shared caching and JavaGroups.



Ayhan Kondoz



Ayhan Kondoz





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