I have used cayenne with james, but not in mailets. I created a small
web app in cayenne and tapestry to administer users and e-mail
addresses. We ended up not using james for some other reason. James
is great, so good luck!
Sorry, for not being able to help :)
- Tore.
On Apr 18, 2007, at 10:39 , Gary Jarrel wrote:
Not sure if anyone has used Cayenne with James, so this maybe a stab
in the dark, but I've written a few mailets which utilize Cayenne for
some DB processing and as soon as I drop the Cayenne 2.0.2 jar
(no-dep) into my James directory under:
<instdir>/apps/james/SAR-INF/lib/ I get the following exception:
org.apache.avalon.phoenix.interfaces.DeploymentException: Bad
specification version format 'cayenne' in 'org.apache.cayenne'.
(Reason: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "cayenne")