Hi Jerome,
I hope you don't mind that I am taking my reply back to the list to
explain the line between free and commercial support for Cayenne.
First - my proposal to help you as a consultant is not a business
model! This is just reflecting a fact that there is only so much time
a small developer community can dedicate to helping with specific
user projects.
Cayenne works with Sybase. All releases are tested against Sybase,
and I am planning to do some testing again soon, when I get access to
a Sybase instance. If you can demonstrate that this is a bug in
Cayenne (which I am not yet convinced), we'll be glad to fix it.
The line between what can and what can't be done as a free support is
pretty fuzzy, but asking to debug a fairly complex setup on your
hardware IMO crosses this line... unless there are more indicators
that this is a Cayenne bug, not the driver bug or not the bug in your
code. Please understand - there are many users, so there is a limit
in personalized help.