I hate to follow up my own message, but I forgot to mention that the two
main reasons implemented the extended types are:

1) Better type safety.  Methods could be setLienPosition(LienPosition
lienPosition) instead of setLienPosition(Integer lienPosition).  Only values
that represented actual lien positions could be assigned, then.

2) English (or any other language -- it was localizable) text for each
enumerated value.  Made it easier to present more meaningful values in
pulldown lists and in reports instead of the typically more
programmer-oriented values.


On 4/2/07, Michael Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've used extended types to implement enumerations (essentially -- but
mine had a lot more oomph behind it), but these were all integer/string
values, not blobs.  My implementation of that is on the Cayenne Wiki, but I
wrote it for Java 1.4 and a co-worker had trouble with it working under
Java 1.5, but I haven't explored it yet.  I'm not sure if it would help
you, but it might be worth looking at (since the code shows how to
read/write the types -- do the translation).


PS. Wiki link: http://cwiki.apache.org/CAY/enumerations-example.html

On 4/2/07, jerome moliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to show on a simple test the Cayenne equivalent for the
> Hibernate
> UserType, that is to say
> a way to map some SQL types with some user provided code...
> Example given is : my customers use sybase image type to store XML
> gzipped
> huge files...
> I'd like to be able to be able to store/read the XML
> transparently...Image
> type is a detail of implementation
> org.apache.cayenne.access.types.ExtendedType
> seems to be the Cayenne solution but there are no big details on this
> subject...
> Is the Cayenne source code my only source ?
> Moreover if you have UML sequence diagrams and other conception
> documents on
> Cayenne, I'd very happy to read them..
> Cheers
> Jerome
> --
> Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
> http://romjethoughts.blogspot.com/
> auteur Eyrolles

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