On 06/02/2007, at 2:01 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:

Ari/Bruce: Quick font question about the new web site.  Is there
anyone the pre-formatted text can be made larger?  Maybe it is a
Mac-only issue, but the pre-formatted text, like on this page:


renders in about a six-point font and is pretty difficult to read.

These things are often a balance between different browsers. It looks pretty good in Firefox 2.x on 10.4.8. What combination are you running? I notice that Safari renders many web sites smaller, and to be honest we didn't test the site in Safari under 10.5, given that that version is still in development. Safari on 10.4.8 looks OK to me: all fonts are uniformly too small for more liking, but Apple-+ fixes that nicely.


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