You are essentially wanting a "select * from Procedure"?
/dev/mrg On 2/4/07, Frank Rocco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello, I need to display a table that shows all procedures with a column that says if there is a schedule for the current date and what provider is assigned. Procedure Table procedure_id (PK) procedure_name Provider Table provider_id (PK) provider_name Schedule Table schedule_id (PK) schedule_date procedure_id (FK) provider_id (FK) I need to display all procedures regardless if there is a record in the provider or procedure table. Before Cayenne, I was using JDBC to build a List of records that I asssigned to a Click Table. I am trying to redo this in Cayenne. Am I on the right track or does Cayenne allow me to redesign this? Regards, Frank Rocco [EMAIL PROTECTED]