A few suspects:

* snapshots, which could've been created automatically, such as by dropping or truncating tables when auto_snapshots is set to true, or compaction when snapshot_before_compaction is set to true

* backups, which could've been created automatically, e.g. when incremental_backups is set to true

* mixing repaired and unrepaired sstables, which is usually caused by incremental repairs, even if it had only been ran once

* partially upgraded cluster, e.g. mixed Cassandra version in the same cluster

* token ring change (e.g. adding or removing nodes) without "nodetool cleanup"

* actual increase in data size

* changes made to the compression table properties

To find the root cause, you will need to check the file/folder sizes to find out what is using the extra disk space, and may also need to review the cassandra.yaml file (or post it here with sensitive information removed) and any actions you've made to the cluster prior to the first appearance of the issue.

Also, manually running major compactions is no advised.

On 12/03/2025 20:26, William Crowell via user wrote:

Hi.  A few months ago, I upgraded a single node Cassandra instance from version 3 to 4.1.3.  This instance is not very large with about 15 to 20 gigabytes of data on version 3, but after the update it has went substantially up to over 100gb.  I do a compaction once a week and take a snapshot, but with the increase in data it makes the compaction a much lengthier process.  I also did a sstableupate as part of the upgrade.  Any reason for the increased size of the database on the file system?

I am using the default STCS compaction strategy.  My “nodetool cfstats” on a heavily used table looks like this:

Keyspace : xxxxxxxx

    Read Count: 48089

    Read Latency: 12.52872569610514 ms

    Write Count: 1616682825

    Write Latency: 0.0067135265490310386 ms

    Pending Flushes: 0

            Table: sometable

            SSTable count: 13

            Old SSTable count: 0

            Space used (live): 104005524836

            Space used (total): 104005524836

            Space used by snapshots (total): 0

            Off heap memory used (total): 116836824

            SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.566085855123187

            Number of partitions (estimate): 14277177

            Memtable cell count: 81033

            Memtable data size: 13899174

            Memtable off heap memory used: 0

            Memtable switch count: 13171

            Local read count: 48089

            Local read latency: NaN ms

            Local write count: 1615681213

            Local write latency: 0.005 ms

            Pending flushes: 0

            Percent repaired: 0.0

            Bytes repaired: 0.000KiB

            Bytes unrepaired: 170.426GiB

            Bytes pending repair: 0.000KiB

            Bloom filter false positives: 125

            Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00494

            Bloom filter space used: 24656936

            Bloom filter off heap memory used: 24656832

            Index summary off heap memory used: 2827608

            Compression metadata off heap memory used: 89352384

            Compacted partition minimum bytes: 73

            Compacted partition maximum bytes: 61214

            Compacted partition mean bytes: 11888

            Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): NaN

            Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 0

            Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): NaN

            Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0

            Dropped Mutations: 0

            Droppable tombstone ratio: 0.04983

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